The building of the Rock Hill church of Christ


church of Christ

Rock Hill church of Christ

Principles that Guide Us

The Rock Hill church of Christ seeks to simply be the church described in the pages of the New Testament, the church that Jesus established. We desire to restore New Testament Christianity without subtractions or additions. 

So, we preach a message that points to the sacrificial death Jesus on the cross to pay for our sins and which calls upon men and women to respond in faith in Jesus as God’s Son, turn from sinful living, be willing to confess their faith in Jesus, and be immersed (baptized) in water in the name of Jesus for forgiveness of sins. 

Our worship includes prayer, singing (voices only), the Lord’s Supper (every Sunday), preaching from the Bible, and giving to the work of the church. 

We believe the Bible to always be correct in regard to matters of morality, doctrine, and authority, because, after all, it is the Word of God.